A memorization tip…

     Greg and I are memorizing verses together in 2009.  I am very excited about this, but he pulled out the important but intimidating Romans 3:21-26 for our first verses (for those of you who listen to Greg ever, you will not be surprised by this choice!).  It is wordy and challenging and inContinue reading “A memorization tip…”

The practice of thanksgiving

       Here we are again, Thanksgiving week.  And, here I am again, a little bitter that the consumerism of Christmas is overshadowing the reflection work that is needed in our hearts as we learn to practice thankfulness.          My dream this year?  To sit with those I love and reflectContinue reading “The practice of thanksgiving”

More and more…

‘Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living.  Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more.’ 1 Thessalonians 4:1 ‘Now about brotherly love, we do not need to write to you for you yourselves haveContinue reading “More and more…”

The financial crunch

Finances. Ugh. They are on the forefront of our collective mind as a nation. Fingers point. People panic. This crisis shows the reality of our hearts. We are constantly trying to get something to fill us up. That something may be a new house, a certain car, miracle make-up, crafty projects, eating out, the newestContinue reading “The financial crunch”

Change your perspective of Mondays

Monday. It may be the most dreaded day of the week. It is the day where it all starts over again–the grind. Early mornings, meetings, projects, work, homework, routine, conflict, fatigue, frustration, loneliness, packed schedules start again up the hill towards the top of the roller coaster that we look forward to riding down onContinue reading “Change your perspective of Mondays”

The battle of the mind

A few days ago, I was refreshed and ready for the fall. I had energy and was ready for the somewhat exhausting days that I knew were ahead. Yesterday, however, I felt like I had been hit with a ton of bricks. Something I had been looking forward to happening did not. I was remindedContinue reading “The battle of the mind”

Book Recommendation: The Discipline of Grace

This summer, I have been reading The Discipline of Grace with several of the young women I have been meeting with. I finally finished it this week, and I HIGHLY recommend it. It is written by Jerry Bridges…yes, the author in which I quote all the time talking about Respectable Sins. The poor girls IContinue reading “Book Recommendation: The Discipline of Grace”