The Spirit’s Work in the Storm

This picture was in my memories yesterday. Storms invade, they come, they bring pain and loss. Then, the sun comes out again. They are fierce, but they do not last forever. They shape us, but there is hope in the anchoring in the midst. I was inspired to paint this. I couldn’t find a bigContinue reading “The Spirit’s Work in the Storm”


I remember the moment last December. I looked up at each person passing in front of me. Some were faces that I had known up close and from afar. Seated near the front of the congregation, I got the distinct privilege of witnessing the holy moment. Person and after person with real stories and strugglesContinue reading “Kindling”

a pivotal moment

The floor felt like it opened up to swallow me.  Thoughts and words and ideas and foundations were challenged as I sipped a frozen coffee and listened.     At 21 years old and a senior in college, I assumed I would be a bit more stable.  In the prior year, I had seen my foundationsContinue reading “a pivotal moment”

Where the heck am I going?

I’ve always had pretty good direction–I see maps in my head. I like to get my bearings and understand where I am in order to navigate where I am going. I get the shakes when I am just following a crowd. My husband will tell you that I am all about backroads and finding theContinue reading “Where the heck am I going?”

Wake Up

Do you remember those moments when your parents got your attention as a child?  They asked for your eyes and took your chin in their hands to direct your gaze, and you knew they meant business.  There was a sense of heightened awareness of their authority but also awareness of their deep love and care.Continue reading “Wake Up”


Life is hard. We forget the good at times. We forget where and how we have grown. We forget friends who were faithful along the way. We can major on our feelings of the crisis or the mundane we are in. This is the human condition. That is why God reminded the children of IsraelContinue reading “Remember”

When blind hearts see

I hate that thing in us, in me, that thinks we know better than God.  The voice that says, “yeah, but I see another angle.”  “Just this one time I have it figured out.”  “I deserve better.” It gets us in a whole heap of trouble. That trouble becomes the state of our heart healthContinue reading “When blind hearts see”

Hope In One Thing

We use the word “hope” often.  I hope my child grows to love Jesus.  I hope my husband experiences healing here with his rheumatoid arthritis.  I hope that you have a good day.  I hope you enjoy the holiday season.  I hope that I live fully to glorify Christ. The only place to put myContinue reading “Hope In One Thing”

What If?

What if we got what we wanted when we wanted it?  That’s what we demand…   What if I had gotten pregnant in the first months we tried and we never went through the years of infertility?  How would my life be different?  How would the world be different? If that…then I would not haveContinue reading “What If?”

Feelings, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Feelings…

In the last few days I have had several conversations that remind me that our feelings can be tricky.  We have feelings for a reason.  They help us express joy and enjoy life.  They can be exhilirating.  They often can alert us to something big going on in our heart and relationships.  Feelings are notContinue reading “Feelings, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Feelings…”