Forget Me Not

When you feel remembered–when someone acknowledges and leans in, it is so powerful. You feel seen and heard and chosen. There’s nothing more deflating than having to introduce yourself to a person for the 49th time, and they have no clue who you are. It feels empty. That’s why I love to connect with people–weContinue reading “Forget Me Not”

It all started with a “little” project

It all started with a closet project.  Little did I know that it would turn into so much more.   Our home has more than ample storage, but the problem is we have dumped stuff there.  The stuff that is falling out of the closets and the basement means there is stuff everywhere in ourContinue reading “It all started with a “little” project”

When blind hearts see

I hate that thing in us, in me, that thinks we know better than God.  The voice that says, “yeah, but I see another angle.”  “Just this one time I have it figured out.”  “I deserve better.” It gets us in a whole heap of trouble. That trouble becomes the state of our heart healthContinue reading “When blind hearts see”

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen

So, I have a confession. When I became a teenager in the late 80s it was en vogue to carry a photo album in your purse. Insecure 13 and 14 year old that I was, one could not tell. My photo album was filled with pictures of me. Jennifer at a wedding, Jennifer with friendsContinue reading “Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen”

swirling thoughts

My prayer for today–also the words to a song: ‘Spirit, now living and dwelling within me, keep my eyes fixed ever on Jesus face. Let not the things of this world ever sway me. I’ll run ’til I finish the race…’       These words encapsulate a theme swirling through my head and heart.  TheContinue reading “swirling thoughts”

The battle of the mind

A few days ago, I was refreshed and ready for the fall. I had energy and was ready for the somewhat exhausting days that I knew were ahead. Yesterday, however, I felt like I had been hit with a ton of bricks. Something I had been looking forward to happening did not. I was remindedContinue reading “The battle of the mind”

Book Recommendation: The Discipline of Grace

This summer, I have been reading The Discipline of Grace with several of the young women I have been meeting with. I finally finished it this week, and I HIGHLY recommend it. It is written by Jerry Bridges…yes, the author in which I quote all the time talking about Respectable Sins. The poor girls IContinue reading “Book Recommendation: The Discipline of Grace”


Growth is never easy…Comfort is easy, unawareness is easy. Spiritually, living is hard and dying is easy. I was talking to a friend yesterday about a book we are reading together. It is a book that deals with the heart–the reality of who God is and the reality of who we are. She remarked toContinue reading “Growth”

Our “acceptable” idols…

These days it seems that there are as many different “flavors” of who God is as people. Even people who go to the same church have worldviews that shape one’s foundation so differently. If the foundation of a house is bad, the whole house is bad. A worldview built on faulty premises of the trueContinue reading “Our “acceptable” idols…”