The most destructive F word

The F word that breeds the most destruction…FEAR.  Fear keeps us from pressing into things and relationships that need courage and intentionality, and fear can steer us to actions that seem courageous and purposed but breed destruction.  Fear isolates us.  Fear brings polarization.  Fear clouds truth.  Fear elicits emotional response without thoughtfulness.  Fear shuts usContinue reading “The most destructive F word”

Whatcha carrying?

Here I am, 44 years old, dressed like it’s 1996. Overalls–check. t-shirt–check. Backpack filled to the brim–check. No shower–check. No makeup–check. However, unlike 1996, the load I am carrying is much heavier. My wise counselor once told me that if you feel a heavy weight that that is not indicative of God’s presence and theContinue reading “Whatcha carrying?”

Turn me off…

Life is unbelievably noisy. We live in a constant state of anxiety and go. This morning, as my brain and heart raced on the road to nowhere, I declared “I’ve had it.” Done. Ever feel that way? As a mom, wife, business owner, and responsible human being I cannot just declare “done,” but it signalsContinue reading “Turn me off…”

Where the heck am I going?

I’ve always had pretty good direction–I see maps in my head. I like to get my bearings and understand where I am in order to navigate where I am going. I get the shakes when I am just following a crowd. My husband will tell you that I am all about backroads and finding theContinue reading “Where the heck am I going?”

Contrary to Popular Opinion…

You are not enough. You read it right. That’s offensive, huh? I am NOT saying you do not have worth. I am NOT saying that you do not have value. I am NOT saying you cannot do hard things. I am NOT saying you are not tough. I am NOT saying you are a failure.Continue reading “Contrary to Popular Opinion…”

It all started with a “little” project

It all started with a closet project.  Little did I know that it would turn into so much more.   Our home has more than ample storage, but the problem is we have dumped stuff there.  The stuff that is falling out of the closets and the basement means there is stuff everywhere in ourContinue reading “It all started with a “little” project”

A good mom…

Well, it’s building again.  That pressure to do the right thing, to do it the best way, to prove your worth is on the rise.  Where does it come from?  From women’s mouths, popular books, sub-cultural norms to your ears–actually straight to your heart.  The words marinate in your heart until you believe it andContinue reading “A good mom…”

Living without Facebook

In the last five to six years, my life has changed with technology.  At this pace, it will continue to.  As much as I don’t want myself, my child or family to be engrossed in technology, this will be our battle in this present age.  People have begun to “live” in a virtual world.  TheContinue reading “Living without Facebook”

Great Expectations: What to Expect?

I wish it were the novel…but it’s the list in my head.  So many expectations…in every area of my life.  Some are specific and some are inferred.  Some are imperative–feed, clothe, love, educate my child, cook dinner more frequently than not, laundry…make sure my house does not look like the atomic bomb exploded in it.Continue reading “Great Expectations: What to Expect?”